range of emotions

美 [reɪndʒ əv ɪˈmoʊʃənz]英 [reɪndʒ ɒv ɪˈməʊʃənz]
  • 各种情绪
range of emotionsrange of emotions
  1. Trading generates a wide range of emotions second by second .


  2. As an actor he could communicate a whole range of emotions .


  3. It allows the character to show an astonishing range of emotions .


  4. Unemployment can bring on a range of emotions including anger and fear .


  5. She had run the whole range of emotions today , and it hadn 't changed a thing .


  6. The Beatles showed there were a range of emotions between love and hate .


  7. What I didn 't truly understand , however , was the range of emotions I would feel during this process .


  8. And I said , " Shallow affect : an inability to experience a range of emotions . "


  9. She shows a full range of emotions in her portrayal of an ambitious politician .


  10. We have what feels like an infinite range of emotions , and to top it off , we 're all different .


  11. As if , in the whole range of emotions experienced by a young child , pleasure is the main one to register .


  12. The blazing-to-freezing range of emotions experienced by the young blends into something more lukewarm by later life , numerous studies show .


  13. The downside of most devices is that while breathing patterns and skin sweat certainly can signal stress , they can also indicate a range of emotions and activities .


  14. Liu Xiaodong excels in incisive depictions of daily life , in which he captures a single moment to reveal a broad range of emotions .


  15. On the streets of Athens , voters expressed a range of emotions as they went to the polls , from anger to betrayal to fear to hope .


  16. The device being developed in Brighton , built by electronics firm Ultrahaptics , takes advantage of this research to touch hands in a way that conveys a range of emotions from happiness and sadness to excitement or fear .


  17. On Tuesday , with the announcement of the split , the hashtag \# Brangelina quickly became the top trending item on Twitter , with fans reacting to the news with a range of emotions , including laments over the death of love ;


  18. The purpose of good literature is to help you understand the full range of human emotions .


  19. They were also less likely to feel a range of negative emotions , including sadness and physical pain , although they were more likely to experience stress and anger , and if they were women , to worry .


  20. ' This challenges the common idea that women are much more likely to want to have children than men , and that they consistently experience a range of negative emotions more deeply than men if they don 't have children . '


  21. On keeping children clear of the battle zone : " Never use children as go-betweens . Children are not effective messengers and misunderstandings will ensue . You may also be revealing a range of anarchic emotions to your children which they are unable to assimilate . "


  22. It even surprises you with misfortune so you can experience the full range of your explosive emotions , and so the good things are that much sweeter .


  23. To find out , researchers recorded the nonverbal sounds of people born deaf , as they responded to a range of positive and negative emotions .


  24. But how much of this is hard-wired , and how much do we pick up from others ? To find out , researchers recorded the nonverbal sounds of people born deaf , as they responded to a range of positive and negative emotions .
